Links Links Links and more Links!
Here are links to websites, videos, audios and articles that I think are interesting to follow to keep up with news about the Shift and the accelerating changes in our world, also about new science discoveries, and about making the spiritual transformation to a new world of new paradigms. Also some new interesting information that gives you food for thought and reflection!
Some links are educational, some are eye openers, some are mind boggling, other scary or outrageous or plain bizarre! Whatever......
Have Fun ! Be surprised ! Be astonished ! Be amazed ! Be informed ! True or False! Think and feel whatever you like, you can even shake your head and laugh out loud, but don't turn a blind eye, have an open mind, explore and reflect! After all ...WHAT IF... it's all true?
If you live with constant fear and constant minor ill-health and find it difficult to understand and to keep up with the fast changes in our fast speeding world then you have no one to blame but yourself. The least you can do is take time to inform yourself. All information is out there for you for free! And hundreds if not thousands like me are out there trying to help you and to make things easier for you. Let us help you by helping yourself.
Videos cover
Spirituality & Metaphysics, Physics, Health, Educational, History, Healing Cancer and Fun Stuff.
There are audios, links to websites and recommended readings.