Spiritual and Metaphysical
Mind Science Kept Hidden Documentary We are Vibrational Beings .... This is a long packed with educational information video, 2.5 hours long, published on Jan 1, 2013 with a long list of many other interesting links. |
Ancient Knowledge Part 1 - Consciousness , Sacred Geometry, Cymatics, Illusion of Reality. The Ancients knew much more than given credit for ragrding life, astronomy, advanced mechanics, magnetism, healing, unseen forces etc. Encoded knowledge is information that is conveyed in signs and symbols and we can find this knowledge all over the world. Sacred Geometry symbolises unseen forces at work. |
Ancient Knowledge Part 2 -
Fibonacci Sequence, Golden Ratio, Phi in Nature, DNA, Fingerprint of God. Scientists don''t know what holds the universe together, the answer is sound and unseen forces. Matter is governed by sound frequencies. There is much more to life that what can perceived with the 5 sense. |
A must must see if you are even remotely interested in your brain and how it functions! How to break patterns and evolve in consciousness. Dr Joe Dispenza - How to evolve our brain to experiment a new reality? |
The Miracle of 528 HZ Solfeggio and Fibonacci Numbers |
The Coming Golden Age Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya a Spiritual discourse about the Mayan prophecies and the Vedic scriptures for our era and the global crisis that we will all experience. Embrace Truth Dharma Nature! |
Transforming Challenges into Blessings http://www.earthpeoplesunited.org |
KYMATICA Full Length Movie Expand Your Consciousness |
Sacred Knowledge of Vibration and the power of Human Relations with Gregg Braden |
Plasma Beings ITs with Drunvalo Melchizedek Part 2/2 Interview with Lilou Mace |
Ouspensky: In Search of the Miraculous If you are interested in the evolution of the human and spirituality then you should read Ouspensky. Read his book 'In Search of the Miraculous' |